Customer Engagement
HEART Trust/NTA has adopted, as a policy, a competency-based approach for the design,
development, and presentation of instructional materials in all its training programmes. This
concept is closely linked with the thrust in Technical Vocational Educational and Training
towards competency based training and performance based assessment. Competency by its
definition relates to the ability to demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skill and attitudes in
carrying out/ performing a specific task at an acceptable level.
This curriculum is presented in a modular format, and is benchmarked against the Competency
Standards for Customer Engagement of the Business Services industry developed by the
National Council on Technical Vocational Education and Training (NCTVET). Modules cover
major areas of competencies and are an organized group of “learning experiences assembled to
achieve a specific group of related objectives.”
Each modular unit is designed to be self contained so that the successful completion of training in a modular unit would ensure the acquisition of the minimum skill levels for performing the activity under employment conditions.
The modular training system allows for the continuous adaptation of training programmes and
independent units can be combined to suit the needs of individual learners, technical
development and to reflect changes in the occupation.
- This module is benchmarked against the following competency standards:
1. BSBWOR0012A Work effectively with others
2. BSBCCO0031A Work in a customer engagement environment
3. BSSCRE0221C Observe ethical practices
4. ITCCOR0021D Comply with occupational safety and health procedures
The module deals with orientation to the occupation. It focuses on skills necessary for
maintaining a professional approach to employment, participating in workplace team, identifying
and reporting hazards and observing ethical practices.